About me


Welcome to my digital garden, the place where I publish my learning notes.

I’m Paolo and I’m:

  • a dad of two beautiful children
  • an husband
  • a lifelong learner
  • an engineer with a master degree in Industrial Automation.

I was born in Brescia, Italy, in 1985 and I live in a small town about 10 km from Brescia.

I work as a project manager in a company that design and manufacture robotics solutions for analytical chemistry, life science and clinical laboratories.

I’m passionate about learning new things and in general everything that can help me improve in my life.

I love playing football with my children and reading books that can teach me something.

I hate dishonesty, disrespect and incivilty.

Why I decided to create this digital garden?

I decided to create this digital garden mainly to improve myself by deeply understand what I learn.

In fact a digital garden like this one is a way to learn in public.

And learning in public:

  • requires me to question what I’m writing about and so to think critically
  • is a way to teach to others that is a proven way to improve learning
  • allows to meet new people that share my interests and can help me to understand better what I’m learning
  • allows me to improve my writing skills


If you want to contact me: