Paolo's learning notes

How to improve para-verbal communication

The following are suggestions some collected from various contents and some from my own thoughts to improve para-verbal communication:

  • Tone
    • Use a low, but not too much tone of voice to transmit trust and self-confidence.
    • Use an assertive tone of voice that is a little higher than normal but not too much to seems aggressive in order to transmit confidence.
  • Rhythm
    • It is defined by the pause and the speed which we speak.
    • Use high rhythm when you want to transmit excitement or want to maintain the audience attentive.
    • Use low rhythm when you want to transmit self-confidence and assertiveness or need to transmit something complicated.
    • Avoid to use always the same rhythm because you risk to bore the audience.
  • Accent
    • Raise the tone of voice on some words that you want to highlight.
    • Divide the phrase to give more emphasis on some part compared to others.
  • Silence
    • Stay in silence for 2-3 seconds before an important message to prepare the other person to what we will say later.

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What is a concept

Wikipedia defines concept as an abstract idea. Because abstract is defined as an idea, feeling or quality, not as a material object and idea is defined as an output of a thought, therefore concept can be defined as an output of a thought that may represent a material object in the mind but it is not the material object itself.

The paper The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them defines concept as a perceived regularity (or pattern) in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by label.

What are concept maps

Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge.

They include:

  • concepts usually enclosed in boxes
  • relationship between concepts indicated by arrows that connect two concepts
  • words on the arrows that specify the relationship between the two concepts.

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How to build phrases

The following are suggestions some collected from various sources:

  • Maintain the following structure: Subject, verb, complement.
  • Avoid the use of more than one or two phrases subordinate to the main phrase.
  • Prefer active phrases than passive phrases
  • Avoid double negation
  • If you have to read the phrase more than one time, it means that it has not designed properly.

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