Paolo's learning notes

How to choose the words

The following are suggestions some collected from various sources:

  • Choose the words considering what is the meaning the other person assign to the words.
  • Use these three principles:
    • Clarity and simplicity: choose the simpler words to convey a message.
    • Precision: use words specific to what we want to convey.
    • Pertinence: use words adequate to the context.

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Why sometimes messages are not understood

A message can be divided in three parts:

  • what we want truly transmit.
  • what we have transmitted that is the meaning or interpretation of the message.
  • the words and phrases used to transmit the message.

It is necessary to be aware that the message understood is not typically exactly the same of the one we truly wanted to transmit.

Some causes may be:

  • We choose words and phrases that have different meaning of what we wanted to transmit.
  • We choose words and phrases that have a meaning coherent to what we want to transmit, but the other person assign a different meaning to the words and phrases we used.
  • The other person interprets the message basing on one’s beliefs. Therefore if the two people have different beliefs, they may interpret the message in different ways.

It is therefore important to:

How to communicate effectively

The following are suggestions some collected from various contents and some from my own thoughts to communicate effectively:

  • To communicate effectively we have to develop our verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication.
  • Communication has to be adequate to the goal and the audience of the communication itself otherwise it is likely to create misunderstanding and fail to achieve our goal.
  • Think how other people you want to communicate with would think. Think about what they know and don’t know to design the message so that it is more likely to be understood.
  • Clarify the purpose of your message to be sure about what you want to communicate.
  • Design the communication clarifying what ideas and in what order you want to say.
  • Ask yourself these 5 questions before to design a message:
    • What do I have to communicate?
    • Who do I have to communicate with?
    • Why do I have to communicate this message? What is the purpose?
    • What is the audience and the context of the message?
    • When is the best time to communicate this message?
  • It is more effective to eliminate all the things that are not related to the final message we want to send. This reduces the likelihood to create misunderstanding.
  • Pay attention to the feedback from the other person.
  • Take the time you need to think about what you want to transmit and what is the best way to communicate it.
  • Empathy helps to communicate effectively because helps to:
    • reduce misunderstanding
    • reduce conflicts
    • understand how the other’s person are interpreting the message we have delivered.
  • Try to understand what are the needs the other person has related to the message one is trying to communicate.
  • Sometime, to reduce misunderstanding, repeat without modification what the other person said or did in order to allow them to process what they said.

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What are the differences between verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication

Verbal communication involves the use of words both spoken and written.

Non-verbal communication involves the use of body language, gestures, facial expressions.

Para-verbal communication involves the use of tone of voice, rhythm, accent and other things related to the sound of the words we speak. This is important because the sound is receipt before the meaning of the words and therefore it may begin to create an emotion in the audience and may contribute to the effectiveness of the message we are transmitting.
