Paolo's learning notes

Some healthy suggestions

In the books La grande via are indicated the following suggestions:

  • Some source of whole grain carbohydrates are:
    • brown rice
    • barley
    • hulled spelled
    • millet
    • rye
    • buckwheat
  • Eat moderately soy in the form like miso, tofu, tempeh, natto. It has a lot of healthy benefits, but too much may have negative effects.
  • Eat nuts, hazelnuts, almonds because they have protective effects against some chronic diseases.
  • Eat vegetables with food high in vitamine C like citrus food because it increases the absorption of iron.

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Some breathing techniques help to reduce stress. In particular some researches suggest that:

  • focusing on longer exhaling because it reduces heart rate and blood pressure. A typical cycle is breathing in through the nose for 4 seconds and exhaling for 8 seconds.
  • using the diaphragm properly because it reduces heart rate and blood pressure and stimulates the vagus nerve that activates the relaxation response. To practice diaphragmatic breathing:
    1. Place one hand on your chest and one on your belly.
    2. Inhale through the nose for about 4 seconds filling the belly first and the chest later.
    3. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
    4. Exhale very slowly through your mouth for about 6-8 seconds being sure to empty the belly.

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How to respond to stress

In the book The Telomere Effect is reported that the following strategies help to respond to stress:

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Psychological distance

Psychological distance is the ability to make a distance between an event or a situation and our thoughts. It is possible to make distance to an event to different levels:

  • Linguistic level: using the third person in our internal dialogue for example asking ourselves What is making Paolo nervous? instead of This event is making me nervous.
  • Temporal level: for example asking ourselves What is the impact of this event in 10 years?
  • Visual level: visualising ourselves far from the stressful situation and see ourselves that is living this situation and asking What emotions is he living?, Why is he living this emotions?

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Which is a varied diet

Mediterranean diet is considered one of the most varied and healthy diet. There is little uniformity about the serving size, however moderation is a good principle to follow. Mediterranean_diet_pyramid.png

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How to reduce the risk to develop oxidative stress

Antioxidants foods like:

  • fresh fruits
  • vegetables
  • vegetable oils
  • nuts
  • seeds

have the power to reduce oxidative stress, however they also may have negative effects if consumed in large quantities and without being part of a varied diet.

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