Paolo's learning notes

Oxidative stress


Oxidative stress is a phenomenon caused when there are too much reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body that our body can not manage properly.


ROS have some necessary roles like cells signaling, however when they are too much, they can lead to cells damage.

Oxidative stress is responsible of several diseases (i.e., cancer, diabetes, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases).

Oxidative stress is typically seen as harmful for our body, however can be useful to treat diseases like cancer. I think this is because oxidative stress contributes to damage and therefore eliminate cancerous cells.

Cellular senescence

Cellular senescence is the state when a cell stops dividing because it has reached the limit of number of times it can divide. One of the causes is that the telomeres are become too short.

Cellular senescence produces an inflammatory response.

Chronic inflammation is associated with aging and with a higher likelihood to develop chronic diseases.

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Direction of a cause-effect relationship

It is important to understand what is the direction of a cause-effect relation in order to do not confuse the cause with the effect and viceversa.

When there is a correlation between two events, the correlation itself does not explain which is the cause and which is the effect.

Correlation does not imply causation.

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Stress and pain are inevitable

Stress and pain are inevitable in life. Feeling stress, when it is not caused by external pressure, means that we love and care something. For example, a parent that is stressed about the health of a sick children means that he/she loves and care about his/her children. Pain may be a consequence of some good endeavour. For example, muscle pain during physical exercises makes you healthy and strong.
Therefore it is not good and impossible to completely avoid stress and pain. Instead we need to learn how to react to experiences.

Environment-gene interaction

Various researches suggest that the environment influences how the gene works. A nice analogy is the one reported in the article Big Question: Can your environment change your DNA? of the Duke Magazine staff, where genes are like computer hardware and environment is like a software program that can regulate and change what the computer hardware does.

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