Paolo's learning notes

What is a chromosome

The chromosome is a structure that is formed, after the duplication of a cell, to be transmitted to the daughter cells. It contains the genic information that have to be transmitted to the daughter cells.

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What are the main principles about happiness

Happiness is a complex concepts and there are various elements that contribute and influence happiness. However if I should say what are the main principles about happiness, they would be:

  • Reduce the impact of negative thoughts:
    • focusing on what we are feeling in the present moment with our senses and letting go all the thoughts.
    • learning how to react to thoughts in a way that allow us to behave coherently to our values.
    • acknowledging that thoughts are not necessarily true.
  • Find your values and needs and act coherently to satisfy them.
  • Be self-compassionate
  • Develop good relationships with the people that are important in your life.
  • Be healthy
  • Think about your life with gratitude considering what you have instead what you do not have.
  • Do not let your happiness depend on others.

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What are the most useful techniques to improve happiness

When… then…
you are experiencing negative thoughts, stress and anxiety - use cognitive defusion techniques like I notice I’m having a thought (see Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
- practice mindfulness
- use reasoning and rationality to see if the negative thoughts are likely or not.
you are setting a goal Break goals in smaller and more achievable goals and accept the errors
you do not know how to behave review your values and goals and find what behaviour is aligned with your values.
you are having a pain or a tension in some part of your body due to a negative thought use expansion exercise (see Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
you are experiencing resistance to change - find your limiting and inaccurate beliefs and try to change them (see Beliefs)
- practice little continuous changes
you are failing to reach your goals - practice self compassion
- reduce the friction that are impeding to reach your goals (see Environment (Behaviour context))
- acquire new competences
- improve your problem solving skills
you are feeling you are not satisfying your needs or you behaved in a wrong way - find your needs analysing your behaviour and your emotions
- define more effective behaviours and habits to satisfying your needs.
- balance your hedonistic needs with your eudaimonic needs
you are criticising too much yourself practice self compassion
you do not what to do in life find your values and define habits and projects that contribute to satisfy them.
you do not feel healthy change your habits to live a healthier lifestyle and in particular:
- do physical exercise
- sleep at least 7 hours per night
- maintain a healthy diet.
you feel unhappy - show gratitude to what you have
- savoring experiences you live

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Why pursuing happiness

Why pursuing happiness

Because when we experience happiness, we feel good. Moreover what are the alternatives?

  • Not acting or doing nothing. It is like to be dead. We have all the time to be dead during the lifetime of the universe. During our relatively short lifespan compared to the lifespan of the universe, it is better to try something different than to act as if we were dead.
  • Simply acting without considering if what we do bring us happiness or not. In this case, sometimes we may feel good and sometimes not. Isn’t it better to actively search for activities that are likely to bring us happiness? Moreover as suggested by Alex Lickerman in the article Why We Must Actively Pursue Happiness if we don’t make happiness our explicit goal, why would we ever ask ourselves which activities we should choose? Why would we ever wonder if one path might be better than another, and therefore choose it?

Why not

Some articles and researches however suggest that it is better not: