Paolo's learning notes

Strategies to increase competence

Here below I report some strategies to increase autonomy that I found mainly in the book Drive:

  • Clarifying the goal and the way to reach that goal. Assigning activities that are not too difficult and not too simple in order to let people go in a state of flow.
  • Developing a growth mindset.
  • Developing perseverance and grit.

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  • Drive | 2011 | Daniel Pink

Balance autonomy and accountability

In the book Drive is suggested to leave people autonomy about what to do, when, how and with who because the important is to make the work done.

I believe this is an incomplete sentence. A more complete one should be: the important is to make the work done in the most efficient way possible given the specific situation (competence, available resources,…).

Moreover it is important to make a division between work that requires creativity and innovation and work that requires following a plan.

Motivation - Definitions

  • Autonomy: desire to be in charge of the decision of one’s own life
  • Competence: experience mastery
  • Motivation: what motivate and drive us to act and maintain determinate behaviours.
  • Relatedness: will to interact with, be connected to others
  • State of flow: flow is pursuit of a meaningful goal. Losing in the moment of an activity that it is intrinsically not too difficult and not too simple.

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What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

One of the main categorisation about motivation is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Some types of motivation are more effective than others depending on the context. Therefore it is useful to understand what are the difference between them.

Motivation is intrinsic when what drives us comes from within the individual. For example doing things only for the joy and the interest of doing them. Intrinsic motivation have greater effect on the performance when the task to be done is complex, is not a routine task and requires creativity.

How to lead people that do not have a common goal

The role of the leader is very difficult if the people they lead do not have a shared vision and goals.

People tend to satisfy their needs, therefore it is important for the leader to:

  • understand the needs of the people
  • reframe vision presenting the vision in terms of personal growth and impact for the people rather than for the organizational success alone.
  • connect personal goals to organizational vision.
  • make benefits tangible considering both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

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