How the environment can be changed
The environment can be changed changing the things you interact with. Some factors that can be changed to change the environment are:
- Location where the things are or you do something
- Example to reduce the friction to make a positive habit:
- Arrange the items necessary for forming a habit within easy reach. For instance, if you aim to develop a habit of running after work, place your running shoes near the exit door. This way, when you return tired from work, you won’t waste time searching for your running shoes.
- Example to increase the friction to avoid a negative habit:
- Position the items associated with unwanted habits out of reach and less accessible. For example, if you’re trying to break the habit of eating chips after work, store the chips in a closed cupboard, or even better, do not purchase them.
- Example to reduce the friction to make a positive habit:
- Time when you do something
- People who you interact with