Paolo's learning notes

How to create a vision

Being able to create a vision is important for a leader (see How to become a leader).

In the course Inspiring and Motivating individuals are reported some advice to create a vision. In particular the vision should answer to the following questions:

  • Why we do what we do?
  • What is our definition of success? How will we say we have succeeded?
  • What are the values the should lead our decisions and actions?

The vision should be then communicated effectively, in particular it should:

Manage errors and problems

A leader should be able to manage errors and problems to reach the vision.

Some good principles to follow to manage errors and problems that I have learned are:

  • In case of errors, find the reason not the guilty.
  • Ask why to understand the reasons of the problems.
  • After having found the reasons, focus on solving the problems instead to speaking about the problems without proposing options to solve them.
  • Balance creating an environment where errors are considered part of the learning process with holding the people accountable for their mistakes. This can be achieved by following the principles outlined above, while clearly communicating to individuals that they should do their best to avoid making the same errors in the future.

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The different leadership styles

In the book Primal Leadership are reported that there are different leadership styles. Some styles are preferable over others. Some styles are useful in some situations, others in others situations. As almost always it is important to find a balance between the various options. Therefore it is important to know all the different styles in order to be able to use them in function of the context. Other popular styles are:

The dimensions of emotional intelligence

In the book Primal Leadership is reported that emotional intelligence has four aspects:

  • Self-awareness: the ability to comprehend our own’s emotions, our limits, values and goals.
  • Self-regulation: the ability to handle emotions in order to reach goals.
  • Social awareness: the ability to comprehend other’s people emotions and needs.
  • Social skill: the ability to motivate others to reach a common goal.

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The importance of emotions on performances

In the book Primal Leadership and in various other reasearches are reported that emotions impact on performances like for example job performances.

In particular negative emotions negatively impact on job performances. Negative emotions reduce focus in particular when negative emotions lead to rumination. Reduced focus decreases job performances.

Considering that:

  • To successfully reach goals in a working context, it is necessary to have high performances.
  • Negative emotions lead to reduced performances.
  • The rule of a leader is to reach goals.

Then the ability to acknowledge emotions and handle them is an important skill for a leader.

The importance to understand the needs of others people

In the book Primal Leadership is reported that it is important to understand the needs of others people to have a successful change.

Every people have needs. These needs define the habits of the people inside a group. These habits define the behaviour of the people and therefore the group.

To change it is necessary to change the behaviour of the group. Therefore it is necessary to understand the needs of the people involved to have a successful change.