Paolo's learning notes

How to become a leader

Daniel Goleman, in his book Primal Leadership, and the course Inspiring and Motivating individuals indicate some abilities to develop to become a great leader.

These abilities are:

  • Develop emotional intelligence. However there are some criticisms related to the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership due to measurement issues and an overemphasis on emotions.
  • Learn first to know yourself and your own emotions. Learn to handle them and then learn to acknowledge the others’ emotions.
  • Search feedback from others’ people and then improve.
  • Being able to observe the gap between the reality and the vision of an organisation and then defining a strategy to reduce this gap.
  • Learn to create a vision
  • Communicate effectively the vision to realise.
  • Learn to effectively define goals.
  • Motivate people
  • Learn to give feedbacks, both negative and positive.
  • Learn to convince others to act, rather than doing everything alone.
  • Learn to understand what a person can and can’t do and treat that person for what they can do.
  • Learn to grow people skills.

My current conclusions

  • I think that:
    • emotional intelligence is a necessary skill but it is not sufficient to become a great leader. See also The importance of emotions on performances.
    • Other necessary characteristics are:
      • Rationality
      • Competence
      • Communication skills
      • Ability to communicate a vision of what it has to be done
      • Sharing the same core values of the people to lead
      • Ability to solve problems and make decisions particularly in difficult contexts
      • Ability to understand people needs

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Leadership - Definitions

  • Leadership: the ability to lead, influence or guide other people to reach a goal.
  • Emotional Intelligence: the ability to perceive, understand, manage and handle one’s own and others’ emotions and use them to achieve goals.
  • Vision: a statement or a description of an ideal future.

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Traits of a wise man

In the book Meditations: Marcus Aurelius there are several phrases that inspired me.

These phrases define the traits of a wise man or at least what I consider a wise man.

These traits should be used as a reference to live our lives.

These traits are:

  • Be able to forgive
  • Be able to change idea when you are wrong
  • Collaborate and relate to others. We are not born to oppose each others.
  • Do not waste time to judge others. Focusing on what our self do.
  • Be able to accept what happens and live by your values. This do not mean to do not take action to change things. But accept what it is already happened.
  • Always respect others with our actions and speaking.
  • Be simple, kind, serious, fair, affectionate, ambitious to learn new things, energetic to do fulfil our duties.
  • Do not be afraid of change.
  • Do not complain. If you can, correct what’s wrong, if you can’t, accept without complaining and adapt yourself.

I report here below, in Italian, some phrases that particularly inspired me:

The importance of action

In several books and contents is highlighted the importance of action to improve.

No one can improve if no put in action what they have learned.

It is better to act, sometimes making some errors and correct them, than do not act and only learn something in theory.

Our actions depends on our thoughts. Sometimes our negative thoughts stop us from act. The resistance given by our negative thoughts can be overcome by starting to act.