Paolo's learning notes

How we are influenced

Marketing and sales main goal is to persuade people to buy things. They leverage on techniques that try to influence people and their behaviour. To avoid to be fooled, it is necessary to learn how we are influenced and how to avoid it when it is not convenient.

The following are various conclusions that I have made on this topic:

  • We are influenced by what tend to satisfy our basic psychological needs: Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness.
  • When someone propose us something, ask yourself:
    • What is the function of what they are proposing?
    • What is the utility of what they are proposing?
    • What is the value of what they are proposing to me?
  • Thinking rationally we are less influenced.
  • If we want to really convince other people, propose something that have value for us and for the other people.

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How to choose a communication channel

A communication channel is the medium or mode through which the message is conveyed.

In work-related context there are various communication channel that we may use: email, text, printed words, phone, video call, face to face, written documents, etc.

The choice of the right communication channel is important to increase the effectiveness of the communication. The wrong communication channel can lead to misunderstanding.

The choice depends on various criteria:

  • Necessity to keep records of the communication
  • Timing: is the message urgent or not?
  • Emotions: is important to convey particular emotions?
  • Context: what communication channel are available? Are there digital supports?
  • Purpose
  • Topic
  • Audience: who are the receivers of your message? What are they preferences?
Channel When to use Cons
Email - necessity to keep records
- for documenting decisions
- formal communication
- for providing facts, data, or details
- for providing tasks to be done
- Less immediate than a text
- Difficult to convey emotions
- may be misunderstood
Text - no urgency
- NO necessity to keep records
- small and routine tasks
- sometimes it is useful to create a specific channel to clarify the topic and make the conversation flows better
- informal communication
- may be misunderstood
- may be inadeguate for formal and important communication
Printed words - where there are no digital supports available - complex when there are multiple audience
Phone - for urgent communication
- NO necessity to keep records
- when there is the necessity to clarify some concepts
- may interrupt and distract the receiver if not planned
Video Call - to discuss of various topics
- to know new people for the first time when a face to face meetings is complicated
- to convey emotions
- when there is the necessity to clarify some concepts
- less immediate
Face to Face - when it is important to convey emotions
- to discuss of various topics
- when there is the necessity to clarify some concepts
- may interrupt and distract the receiver if not planned
Written documents - necessity to keep records
- require future revisions
- collaboration
- when there is the necessity to clarify some concepts
- if there is the need to clarify and simplify complexity, may be added visuals for easier understanding
- may be misunderstood

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Is effective communication a way to manipulate others?

Sometimes may be the perception that using effective communication techniques is a way to manipulate others.

This depends on the purpose you use effective communication techniques.

If the purpose is to persuade others, trying to convince them while respecting them, with the intention of mutual growth, then it is not a manipulation.

If the purpose is to act solely for our own advantage, without respecting others and without ethics, then it is a form of manipulation and should be avoided.

How to apologise

Sometimes in a communication it is necessary to apologise with who we are speaking with. Apologies are an act towards oneself, we excuse oneself for not having behaved as we wanted and wanted to communicate. Apologies should be done in a certain way otherwise they become useless.

In various articles I have found the following suggestions:

  • Apologies must be a total assumption of responsibility otherwise it loses its value. If there is a but, we are trying to move the fault on another person.
  • It is ok to make an analysis of the situation we are apologising about, but it should be used only to improve and not as a justification.
  • Be specific describing the event you are apologising about.
  • Let go concerns about who was right or wrong and try instead to truly understand the other person’s experience.
  • Promise to try to be more sensitive and avoid the behaviour that caused the conflict in the future.
  • If possibile, apologise face-to-face rather than through an email or a message.
  • Right timing is a controverse aspect. Someone believes that apologising shortly after the conflict increase the apology’s effectiveness, someone believes that is better late than early because the victim is felt heard and understood because there was time to the offender to think about what happened. However too late apologise are ineffective. It seems that for minor offenses, early apologises (0-24 hours) are more effective than delayed apologises. Instead for serious offenses, delayed apologies (2-3 days) are more effective because where time to reflect and process emotions.

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What is Motivational Interviewing

During some researches about How to change others opinion, I have read about Motivational Interviewing strategy. This strategy seems effective to change others opinion to allow them to explore their own motivations.

I have not found particular drawbacks of this strategy.

Motivation Interviewing is a strategy used to motivate people to change. Motivation Interviewing bases its functioning on five principles:

  • Express empathy
  • Develop discrepancy between the actual values and the behaviours
  • Avoid arguments to avoid the other person becomes defensive.
  • Approach the resistance of the other person in a non-judgemental way.
  • Allow the other person to find themselves the motivation and the way to change

Motivation Interviewing works because: