Paolo's learning notes

How to stay calm and do not react in a conversation

In order to communicate effectively, for example to solve a discussion or to treat with other people, one common strategies is to regulate your emotions and calm down.

Some useful techniques that I have found are:

  • Increase self-awareness practising mindfulness

  • Practice pause technique:

    • S- Stop. Remember to pause.
    • T- Take a few breaths. This gives time to notice the stimulus that trigger our emotions.
    • O- Observe your present state without judging it. What are you feeling or thinking in this moment?
    • P- Proceed with awareness.
  • Reframing: Shift your thought from I’m under attack to This is a chance to clarify or grow.

How to solve a discussion

To all of us it has been happened to be engaged in a discussion where strong emotions prevail and the ability to think clearly is put aside.

All the times this happened, after the end of the discussion, I always felt guilty also when I was right. I felt guilty because I was not able to control myself and the discussion was useless for both the actors.

Because discussions often lead to feel negative emotions and are often useless, therefore it is better to be able to solve a discussion and learn to dialogue.

How to treat other people and make ourselves loved

To communicate effectively is important to be able to treat other people and make ourselves loved. It is more difficult to communicate effectively if the other person can’t stand you.

The following are suggestions some collected from various contents and some from my own thoughts to treat other people:

  • Do not blame, complain, criticise
  • Make honest and sincere appreciations
  • Smile when it is opportune. When there is a conflict with a person, smiling it may not be the better choice because may seems you are mocking that person.
  • Listen what other people say
  • Make other people feel important
  • Always respect other people

These suggestions arise several questions:

The difference between understand, comprehend, agree and justify

In order to have a dialogue with other people is important to comprehend the difference between various words like understand, comprehend, agree and justify.

In the book Creiamo cultura insieme is reported that:

  • understand (capire in italian) means to know the meaning of the words said by the other people.
  • comprehend (comprendere in italian) means to really grasp the sense of something that it has been said or done.
  • agree (condividere in italian) means to agree with what it has been said or done.
  • justify (giustificare in italian) means considering someone not guilty and excusing their behaviour.

For example I may understand that during the nazism, racial laws and propaganda were used to disseminate nazi ideology. I understand the meaning of the words. I comprehend that nazi propaganda was designed to manipulate and radicalise population. I comprehend that the historical and social context contribute to disseminate nazi ideology and its acceptance by many people. I do not agree nazi ideas and actions. I do not agree with the values and politics of the nazism. I do not justify the actions of the nazi leaders and the nazis. Although I comprehend the actions in that particular historical and social context, I absolutely do not justify the violence and atrocity commited.