Paolo's learning notes

Do we choose our behaviours?

There are various things that influence our behaviours. See for example:

Considering these premises, do we choose our behaviours or we only behave like zombies victim of our habits?

In the book Creiamo cultura insieme is reported that while we cannot choose to do not have needs or emotions, the behaviours we exhibit in response to such needs and emotions can be controlled.

How to know when to suspend judgement

Sometimes it is important to suspend judgement (see The importance to suspend judgement). But sometimes it may be better to do not suspend judgement and take a decision quickly.

In fact suspend a judgement and make a better interpretation of reality allows to take more accurate decisions.

But take a decision quickly allows to take decisions faster and maybe seize opportunities or focus on more important decisions.

It is necessary to find a balance. The factors that influence what strategies to choice I think that are: