
What are the differences between Eudaimonic and Hedonic


  • Eudaimonic happiness is the long term happiness and is the happiness we feel when:
  • Hedonic happiness is the short term happiness and is the happiness we feel when we pursue pleasure that is an end in itself.


In the paper Pursuing Pleasure or Virtue - The Differential and Overlapping Well-Being Benefits of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives is claimed that:

  • Hedonic happiness results in experience more positive emotions and carefreeness and less negative emotions.
  • Eudaimonic happiness results in a higher sense of purpose.
  • Both is related to life satisfaction, but hedonic happiness seems to lead to greater life satisfaction.
  • Hedonic activities feel very good when they are carried out, but don’t increase overall well-being in the long term.
  • Eudaimonic activities feel good when they produce a result like a reached goal or a increased skill.
  • People whose lives are high in both hedonic and eudaimonic happiness:
    • show higher well-being. However it does not mean that they never experience negative emotions like sadness.
    • experience more positive emotions and sense of purpose than people whose lives are high only in hedonic or eudaimonic happiness.

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