Paolo's learning notes

What is the relation between happiness and behaviour

Happiness is a gap between what we want and what we reach in life. What we reach in life is the results of our actions. Our actions depends by our behaviours. Therefore what we reach in life highly depends by our behaviours. Therefore I believe happiness highly depends by our behaviours.

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Why Getting Things Done should work

I think it is because the principles described in Principles of Getting Things Done reduce the time to process things we have to do. In fact having all the things in one place reduce the time to search items to do. Moreover, standards are a way to go fast because you have not to think anytime how process something.

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What is mindset?

Mindset is what we believe about our ability to improve our skills.

What type of mindset exist?

There are two types of mindset:

  • Growth mindset: when one believes that our abilities can be improved. Some characteristics of a growth mindset are:
    • intelligence and abilities can be improved with effort and good strategies.
    • Be successful means committing to learning and growth.
    • Failure means not utilising our potential and not learning from our mistakes.
    • Effort is necessary in every field.
    • Intelligent is who learn and improve.
    • Criticisms are a way to growth.
  • Fixed mindset: when one believes that our abilities are fixed and cannot be improved. Some characteristics of a fixed mindset are:
    • intelligence and abilities cannot be changed and are only defined by genetics.
    • Success and failure are defined by a single event.
    • Mistakes are not admitted.
    • Commitment is useful only for those who lack talent.
    • Criticisms are considered negative.
    • Intelligent is who do the right things immediately.

Which mindset is better?

Some researches suggest that having a growth mindset is more effective than having a fixed mindset to learn new abilities and improve in life. Other researches suggest that having a growth mindset does not work and learning and improvement are defined by other factors.


What is personality?

It is the collection of behaviour, thoughts and emotions patterns that a person is used to adopt in life.

Personality traits are relatively stable over time and influence behaviour.

What types of personality traits exist?

The most supported evidence based researches suggest that there are 5 big factors common to human beings:

  • Openness to experience (curious vs cautious)
  • Conscientiousness (organised vs careless)
  • Extroversion (extrovert vs introvert)
  • Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs critical/rational)
  • Neuroticism or emotional stability (nervous vs resilient)

How personality is developed?

Researches suggest that personality is highly defined by genetics and therefore it is a characteristic one is born with. The personality’s characteristics defined by genetics are called temperament.